As a disclaimer, first things first: SEO is not an overnight success. It is by no means a get optimised get first position on Google search scheme. It really depends on two key factors:
The Competitiveness of a Keyword
Not all keywords are equal. The keywords that you’ve picked that are more commercial in intent will naturally have higher competition because, at the end of the day, most businesses have the same intent to generate revenue. So, keywords that are higher in value will be much more competitive, as more domains will be aiming to rank for the top 10 positions on Google search. This means there’s more work and therefore more time required to optimise for that particular keyword. But let’s say you’re not aiming for a generic keyword but rather a brand phrase or keyword. Things to consider include: What’s the name of your business? Is it unique? Or is it mimicking a keyword, for example, or Even a new domain will have a better shot at ranking for due to the uniqueness of the business name. It will be nowhere near as competitive, so it will be easier and faster to rank for.
The State of Your Domain
Things to consider about your domain: Is the website new? If it is, logically, Google search won’t be ranking your website as soon as it’s been built for a competitive keyword. It takes time and work to prove to Google that your website is credible and relevant to be displayed for a search query. Websites and businesses that are older will usually see faster results in SEO, but it’s still hard to pinpoint exactly how long it will take.
I don’t want to give you any sort of expectations of how long it will take to rank well for SEO, but as a super ballpark range, I would say for brand new websites, don’t expect to see results within the first 3 months, especially for highly competitive keywords. For domains that have been live for 1+ years, you can expect to see ranking potential, meaning your domain has the potential to start showing more generic competitive keywords. But don’t expect to see a flood of clicks; it’s not until you’re getting positions 1-10 that you’ll start seeing clicks, and it also depends on the keyword search volume.
Ready to take your website to the top of search results? Contact our SEO experts now and start improving your rankings today!
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